9 July 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what the relatives of people using the service and the staff told us, what we observed and the records we looked at.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
Risks to people had been identified, assessed and kept under review. Staff had the skills and knowledge to know how to meet people's needs and keep them safe.
We found that people who lived in the home were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent it from happening.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. We found that policies and procedures were not in place. Relevant staff had not been trained to understand when an application should be made and how to submit one. The home was working closely with funding authorities to ensure any restrictions were correctly authorised under the DoLS.
The home environment needed improvement in order to make it safer for people who lived there. Repairs and renovations had been delayed and people were at risk of injury or harm as a result.
Is the service effective?
We found that people's on-going needs were regularly assessed and the care and support provided for them was well planned and purposeful.
Changes in how the care was provided were discussed with people who lived in the home and the staff involved in their care.
Is the service caring?
We observed that the staff worked calmly and were well organised. They smiled and engaged with people in a natural and caring way. The atmosphere was relaxed and homely.
Staff discussed what people enjoyed and shared ideas of activities to try.
We saw that staff did not rush people and they encouraged them to make choices and gave them time to make their decision. Discussions and observation showed that staff knew people's preferred routines, likes and dislikes well.
Is the service responsive?
The staff worked with people's relatives and others involved in people's lives to help ensure the best outcomes for people. Concerns were listened to and taken seriously.
Is the service well led?
Staff told us that they felt part of a good team and that they were well supported. They said the registered manager listened to any issues and took action quickly when needed.
The provider needed to improve the way in which they involved people and their relatives in feedback about the quality of the service provision.
We found the management team were committed to improving the service and outcomes for people living at the home but improvements needed to be made