During this review, which took place in September and October 2011, we spoke with five people who receive a service from the agency. People told us that staff treated them and their homes with respect. They said that staff listened to what they told them and took on board their comments. One person told us, 'We do have a laugh. The staff are very nice.' People told us they felt the agency tried to send the same care workers so that they got to know their needs and preferences well.
People told us that new staff always visit with an experienced care worker before providing care on their own.
The people we spoke with told us that the staff who visit them generally meet their needs when they visited. They said that staff consulted them about how to deliver the care and generally did this in a way that suited them. One person told us that, 'Staff do everything I ask them to do'.
People told us they were involved in writing their care plans. However, when we discussed these with three people, we found that only the care plan completed most recently, in August 2011, accurately reflected the person's current needs. The two other people told us that their needs had changed since their plans were written. People told us that staff generally provided the care that they needed and in the way they preferred. One person commented that two care workers who visit them were, 'Very efficient'.
Everyone we spoke with told us that care workers stay for the full amount of time unless they request them not too. People told us that there were generally fewer missed calls than when we concluded our last review in July 2011.
We saw one person's medication being administered and talked with some of the staff who provided care to this person. We were concerned that the practice was unsafe and there was no audit trail of the medication that had been given to the person.
People told us that they had been asked if they were satisfied with the service provided by the agency in a various ways. People generally said that they felt the agency takes on board what they say. For instance, one person told us that the provider addressed a concern about the way a member of staff dressed when they visited.
One person told us that they felt that the provider liked to receive feedback about the things the agency are not getting right so they can improve things.
People told us that they had seen improvements in staffing levels and invoicing since our last review was concluded in July 2011.