Highbury New Park is a care home owned by Care UK Community Partnerships Limited providing residential and nursing care service to 53 people. All of the people using the service at present were living with dementia. This inspection took place on 7 and 11 April 2017 and was unannounced. At our previous comprehensive inspection on 2 February 2015 the service was not meeting one of the regulations we looked at. The service was found to be fully compliant with regulation 9 at our subsequent focused inspection on 28 February 2016.
At the last inspection, the service was rated as good with one requires improvement action in the area of “Safe”, the service was found to be compliant in this area at the focused inspection. The service remained rated as Good.
At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
People were kept safe from harm or abuse. If any concerns had arisen these had been responded to properly and thoroughly. The service managed medicines safely and our observations demonstrated that staff who had responsibility to provide medicines, whether they were nursing or care staff, did this safely. Potential risks for people were considered, whether they were environmental or personal risks, and action was taken to minimise any risks that were identified.
All of the people at the home at present were living with dementia. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. This approach was reflected by policies and systems in the service support this practice as did staff training.
Staff were supported in their work through training, supervision and appraisal. Staff we spoke with demonstrated their knowledge and skill in providing care as well as a commitment to doing this in the most effective way that they could.
Staff understood people’s characters and personalities. Staff were seen using different approaches with each person that demonstrated that they tailored their approach to people as individuals. Staff were respectful and spoke about people in a dignified way.
Care planning and the support people required were clearly outlined in care plans and other documentation related to how people’s needs were met. There were examples of efficient identification and response to people’s needs whether these were on going or newly emerging support requirements. The service liaised appropriately with other health and social care professionals in order to ensure people’s needs were met.
The service complied with the provider’s requirement to carry out regular audits of all aspects of the service and report monthly on the findings of internal audits to the provider. There on-going three monthly quality assurance overview of the service showed that any areas requiring attention were identified and were responded to.
Our expert by experience noted that they would be happy with one of their relative using the service. They do need to apply “a lick of paint and new carpets” Relatives and people were all complimentary about the home and care provided to people.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.