We carried out this inspection on 26 and 27 February 2015. This inspection was announced. This meant that we gave the service short notice so that management and staff were available to assist with our inspection. During our last inspection on 4 December 2013 we found the provider to be compliant with all assessed regulations.
The Shared Lives Scheme (SLS) recruits, trains and supports Shared Lives Carers (SLC's) who provide personal care and support for people within their own family homes in the community; enabling them to live as independently as possible. When we visited the SLS was supporting 27 people who lived in family homes and 37 approved SLC's. The scheme caters for people aged over 18 who have a disability and for older adults with care needs. Shared Lives Workers (SLW) were employed by the scheme to assess, monitor and support SLC's. The scheme employed two social workers, one project co-ordinator and two registered managers.
A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us the service was safe and relatives confirmed they felt their relatives were safe using the SLS. SLW’s and carers showed an understanding of how they could keep people safe. People told us they were encouraged to raise concerns about their safety.
SLW’s and carers understood how to recognise and respond to suspected abuse and understood their responsibility to report any concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of people.
SLW’s and carers understood the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and put them into practice. People could make decisions about the care they received, and risk assessments were in place to support people to have a choice in how they were supported to meet their needs.
There were safe recruitment practices because appropriate pre-employment checks were completed by Harrow Council and shared lives workers prior to Shared Lives Carers being approved into the scheme.
People were supported by SLW’s and carers who had the necessary skills and knowledge to meet their assessed needs.
SLW’s and carers were supported in their role and had regular supervisions with their manager or shared lives worker.
People were involved in choosing the shared lives carer they wanted to live with and were involved in decisions about their nutrition and hydration needs. People were supported to receive healthcare services.
SLW’s and carers involved and treated people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. People were listened to, felt they mattered and spoke positively of their experience with feeling involved in their care.
People’s needs were regularly assessed by the SLW’s and their records updated. People and their shared lives carers were involved in the assessment of their needs. Reviews took place regularly and people were involved in the reviews. Care plans were personalised and people had signed to indicate they had been involved in putting their plan of care together.
People had access to activities or employment opportunities that were important to them.
People knew how to make a complaint and complaints had been received and dealt with by shared lives officers and responded to in good time.
There was a clear management structure at the service. SLW’s were supported by a registered manager and were aware of the roles of the management team.
People told us the service was well managed. People and SLC’s confirmed they understood their right to share any concerns with the shared lives officers about the care and support provided.
Incidents were recorded and this information was used to monitor, investigate and take the appropriate action to reduce the risk of them happening again.
Feedback was sought from SLW’s, SLC’s and people through annual questionnaires and this feedback was used to make changes and improvements to the service.