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Archived: Mears Care - Sheffield

Ground Floor, 4 Acres Hill Business Park, Acres Hill Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 4LR (0114) 243 4633

Provided and run by:
Cera Care Operations Limited

All Inspections

24, 26 April 2013

During a routine inspection

An unannounced inspection on 4th October 2012 found non- compliance in four outcome areas. We issued compliance actions. The provider submitted an action plan stating they would be compliant by 31st March 2013. An unannounced inspection visit was made on 24 April 2013. We looked at a further two outcome areas since we received concerning information.

A manager, who was registered with CQC in February 2013, left the service in April 2013. The service is overseen by an operations manager.

People's views were not always taken into account in the way the service was organised. People said they were asked for their involvement but when it came to choice the agency was unable to deliver. The care assessments and support plans were not person centred.

People who used the service, their relatives and the care workers raised their concerns that people were not receiving care at the correct times and they needed regular care workers to maintain continuity.

The system for quality monitoring was not fully implemented. The lack of improvements in the areas of concerns were due to the provider not analysing events, incidents, errors and ensuring changes were made and sustained. People's complaints were not fully investigated and resolved. We found examples where people did not feel they had been listened to and were not satisfied with the outcome.

4 July 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Our inspection of 4th October 2012 found Mears Care 'Sheffield was non-compliant in four outcome areas. We issued compliance actions. The provider submitted an action plan stating they would be compliant in all four outcomes by 31st March 2013.

A further inspection was undertaken on 24th April 2013 to check compliance with the four outcome areas. The provider did not comply with one of the compliance actions. That meant the provider was unable to show us how they identified, assessed and managed risks to meet the health, safety and welfare of people using the service. We therefore issued a warning notice and asked them to become compliant by 26th June 2013

We returned on 4th July 2013 to check compliance with the warning notice. The provider had introduced a system to monitor the quality of their service. All the people who used the service and/or their representatives had been contacted by the provider during May 2013. A service manager carried out all the calls to maintain consistency. They visited those who were not satisfied with the service to discuss the actions to resolve their concerns.

Staff had regular meetings with the managers to keep up to date with improvements. Staff said they were given sufficient time to carry out their duties and they could now call the office to request help. Those people who did not use the electronic monitoring system for their call times were contacted by office staff to ensure people were in receipt of their care.

4 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We carried out an unannounced inspection as a response to concerns we received about Mears Care ' Sheffield. Concerns suggested that the staff lacked training and competence, lack of communication between the office staff and the care workers and staff missing calls. Relatives said they were not kept informed when staff were late or unable to attend.

On the day of our inspection we spoke with the new branch manager, quality manager and the staff at the office. Following the inspection we contacted six people who used the service and five relatives to find out their views.

People we spoke with said the care workers were friendly, respectful and helped them maintain independence. One person said, 'They brighten my day.' They said that

they would prefer to have the same care workers but this had not been possible. One person said, 'Nowadays they send different staff. They are alright but they don't know me.'

Three relatives told us there was a lack of continuity with care workers. They said the staff did not know the individuals concerned. One person said that their relative was suffering from dementia and was unable to understand and respond to questions. They added that some of the care workers who visited that person did not appreciate this.

Two people who used the service and two relatives said that care co-ordinators visited them occasionally to check whether they were happy with care. The others said that they could not remember such checks.

26, 31 January 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We talked to management, staff and looked at some of the records that were kept by the service. Care coordinator staff confirmed they had been provided with supervision to help them do their jobs. Staff told us they liked working for the service and that a variety of training had been provided to help them meet the needs of people that use the service.

We did not get the direct views of people using the service for this outcome area.

29 March 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

People using the service told us their privacy and dignity was respected. One person said that their regular carers were 'Always very kind and helpful' and confirmed they were consulted about how they liked their support to be provided.

People said that if changes were needed to the support that was provided, staff generally communicated well with the office staff, to ensure their social worker or the person who had commissioned the service was aware.

One person however said that communication with the office staff could be improved and that they were not always told when staff were going to be late, which made it difficult for them to plan what they were going to do.

People using the service confirmed they were involved and consulted about the support that was provided, to ensure their needs and wishes could be respected.

Most people said care staff generally listened and 'Ask if there any thing else to do' and that they 'Do all the jobs they are supposed to do and write it down in a book'.

However another told us that office systems needed to be better organised and that they 'Do not always let me know when new carer is coming or going to be late'.

People who use the service told us they were generally happy with the service provided. One person told us that staff 'Treat me well' and 'I Can't grumble'

Whist people using the service told us that care staff were generally good; we received a mixed response about the ability of the service to provide a consistent service and reliable service.

One person told us that timekeeping by care staff was 'Generally good'

Another said care staff were 'Sometimes a bit late'- although people did tell us they generally received a call from the office to let them to know if might happen.

People using the service told us that they received a 'Generally consistent set of carers'

However, one person did tell us that us this was sometimes 'A bit variable'.

People that use the service told us that care staff were generally good.

People who use the service told us they were generally happy with the service provided and confirmed that they were consulted about how the service was delivered.