Updated 8 October 2024
Date of Assessment: 17 October 2024. The service is a residential service which provides personal care for a maximum of 48 older people. It does not provide nursing care. At the time of our inspection 36 people were receiving a regulated activity. The ongoing risks associated with people's individual care needs were managed safely, and the systems in place to monitor the quality of service were effective. The service had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns. People's needs were assessed, and care was planned and delivered by staff who were well trained and knowledgeable about people's care and support needs. People received their medicines as prescribed. Enough staff were available to meet people's needs and staff responded promptly to people requiring support. People were encouraged to maintain a good diet and access health services when required. People had access to a wide range of activities and were supported to avoid social isolation. Incidents and accidents were investigated, and actions were taken to help mitigate recurrence. The premises were well maintained, clean, and staff followed infection control and prevention procedures. People's dignity, confidentiality and privacy were respected, and their independence was promoted. The service supported staff wellbeing. People were involved in decisions about their care and consent to treatment and support was sought. People received fair and equal care and treatment. The service worked to reduce health and care inequalities through advocating for people. Leaders and staff had a shared vision and culture based on listening, learning and trust.