Archived: Linden House

River Lane, Market Weighton, York, North Yorkshire, YO43 4LA (01430) 875600

Provided and run by:
Care Principles Limited

All Inspections

9, 14 March 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

The Mental Health Act Commissioner (MHAC) spoke with two patients during this visit. One patient discussed his role as editor of the newsletter 'Your Voice'. He had a specific query about clarifying how patients request to see a member of the Care Quality Commission during visits and wished to include such information in a future edition of the newsletter. This patient also described his problems sleeping on Raywell House due to noise from extractor fans.

The patient also spent some time discussing events relating to the incident of the 5/6th March 2011 with the commissioner. The patient was satisfied with the support he had received from staff and knew there was always someone he could talk with if he wished. He was very grateful for the efforts of staff on Raywell that had dealt with the incident.

The Mental Health Act Commissioner spoke to a second patient while they were in seclusion. The patient said that he had been provided with reading material, food and drink. He voiced no concerns about his immediate care. He stated that there were plans in place to move him out of seclusion either later that day or the following day.

Lastly, one patient expressed his concern that his multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting for that day had been postponed as key staff were not available.

16 February 2011

During a routine inspection

One patient told us that they were very happy with the care they had received at Linden House. They felt that they had made a lot of progress and they also said that they were happy that they had been able to go out more. Another patient told us that they had access to educational opportunities.

One patient told us that he liked the meal choices on offer, although the portions were now smaller. People stated that the hospital listened to the views of the patient council.

People told us that they were made aware of their rights. They understood how to make a complaint and that they had the right to speak to an advocate and the Mental Health Act Commissioners.