5 September 2013
During a routine inspection
We reviewed care plans for five people and they were person centred and contained essential details about people's care and support needs. Staff were observed supporting people using the service. They were seen offering people choices and always used their first names. During the inspection we observed one person refusing to eat at lunchtime. The staff were patient and considerate and respected the individuals choice although offered alternatives to try and ensure they had options to choose from.
Staff were well supported and received on-going training and development to be able to effectively meet people's support needs.
People told us they were very happy with the care and support provided at the service. One person told us "the girls are lovely - we are very lucky". Another told us "we sit and have talks and they are always laughing which is nice." A large number of 'thank you' cards from relatives and people who had used the service previously were displayed on walls, which showed many more people also had a positive experience of the service prior to the inspection visit.