- Homecare service
Vivid Care Services Ltd
Report from 24 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 4 to 11 November 2024. Vivid Care Services Ltd is a supported living service providing support to autistic people or people with a learning disability. We have assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. The service worked very closely with families and professionals through multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) to meet people’s complex needs. People’s independence and range of activities had increased, and the number of incidents had reduced since the service started supported them. Assessments of needs, risks and incidents were regularly reviewed in the MDT meetings. Staff completed bespoke training by external behavioural specialists. Medicines were safely administered. Peoples’ communication needs were met. Social stories and story boards were used to include people in decisions about how they spent their day. Feedback from families and professionals was very positive. Relatives and professionals were involved in agreeing best interest decisions on people’s behalf. Detailed transition plans were agreed and followed. Feedback was very positive about how staff interacted with and encouraged people to complete new activities. Staff celebrated people’s successes. Families and professionals said communication with the service was good. The registered manager and staff teams responded to, and made changes in people’s support, when issues were raised with them. Governance systems were in place. We discussed how these would need to be developed as the service grew. The management team were visible in the service and were said to be approachable. Staff enjoyed working at the service and felt well supported.
People's experience of this service
Relatives and professionals were all positive about the support provided by Vivid. Due to people’s complex needs, they were not able to communicate with us. Due to people’s complex behaviours, we were not able to visit them in their home. A relative said, “Vivid have changed our life. We’ve never looked back and neither has [Name].” Relatives found the staff teams to be kind, caring and they knew people’s individual needs and preferences. A relative told us, “Staff all seem to be really good with [Name]” and another said, “I can't speak highly enough of them; they’re so professional and engaged with [Name].” Relatives said staff involved people in making decisions about what they wanted to do, using visual communication methods where applicable. A relative said, “[Name] chooses where they go. Staff take photos of different areas and [Name] decides where they want to go that day.” Relatives were involved in planning and agreeing people’s care and support. One said, “There’s meetings every week to look at what can be done differently to improve” and another told us, “We have MDTs weekly or fortnightly, to discuss what’s going on, what's happened. Everyone’s on the same page all of the time.” They were able to raise any concerns they had with the staff team or registered manager. One relative said, “They will respond to any requests from us and make changes to [Name’s] support quickly when needed” and another told us, “They’re flexible with the support they offer.” Communication with the staff team was good. A relative told us, “There’s good communication, they let us know what [Name’s] been doing; its good” and another told us, “Any problems at all [team leader] will ring, even on their days off.” Relatives and professionals were positive about the activities and opportunities people were able to choose.