17 January 2011 and 23 September 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
Some staff told us their concerns around meeting call out times, difficulties getting to people at night without being late, not being given travel time and how this negatively impacted on the quality of service people received. Staff told us they had repeatedly mentioned these issues at team meetings and to senior staff but no changes had been made..
Staff told us they had good support and guidance from senior staff and were receiving training updates.
Commissioners told us that Carewatch is not always meeting their contractual obligations and providing a service that supports peoples needs. The main issues have been around: failing to provide agreed (contractual) care, repeated lateness, poor quality care due to staff training, neglect to health and safety of service users, failure to attend repeated.
It should be noted that we take into account the views of those members of the public who express concerns or compliments through Local Involvement Networks (LINks). We took into account information provided by the Leicestershire LINks. This enables the voice and concerns of the public and its communities to be heard by Carewatch HRC.
Full comments made by people are included later in this report under each outcome area.