We spoke with one person using the service and one relative during our inspection. They told us the home met their or their family member's care and support needs well. We observed that people were treated with dignity and respect. Staff were patient and supportive with people using the service and sought to involve their family members if this was the person's preference.Our previous inspection of 17 and 19 October 2012 found that the provider did not have appropriate arrangements in place for the recording and safe administration of medicines, or to ensure members of staff received appropriate training and supervision. When we inspected the service on 21 and 22 May 2013, we found that some improvements had been made in the management of medicines, and staff were supported.
During our inspection we observed that staff were able to respond to people's needs promptly at quieter times during the day, such as between mealtimes. At the busier mealtime periods, we observed that staff were less able to perform tasks and meet people's needs promptly.
Records of incidents and complaints were maintained in the service. However, the provider may find it useful to note that appropriate actions taken to protect people and prevent reoccurrences of incidents were not consistently recorded.
The Care Quality Commission had not been informed about some incidents which required notification.