Archived: South Efford House

Bridge End, Aveton Gifford, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 4NX (01548) 550141

Provided and run by:
Crocus Care Ltd

All Inspections

4 October 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We (the Commission) carried out this review of the service after we were informed of accidental injuries that had been suffered by a person that was being cared for by this care home. When we visited we found that the provider had acted quickly after the identification of the injuries to minimise the risk to the person. However we were concerned about the failures that had allowed the injuries to occur and so we issued a Warning Notice to the provider. A Warning Notice is the Commission's first level of enforcement action.

On the day of our visit we walked around the home and saw the care that people were receiving. During this review we spoke with relatives, staff members and professionals that are in regular contact with the care home. Overall the people we spoke with said they were happy with the care provided by the home.

Many of the people that live in the home have significant though varied care needs. We saw that the service had enough staff on duty throughout the day to support the people that lived at the home.

The staff ensure through the way they deliver care and support that peoples human rights, privacy and dignity are respected and protected. For example we saw staff talking with people in a respectful manner and we saw support being offered with sensitivity and care.

When people that live at the home have health needs they are supported to access health services promptly. Most of the people that live in the home cannot manage their own medication. We found that some staff were not using the medication administration system properly although no one had been harmed by these mistakes.

We saw that the home was generally clean. However there was a need for redecoration and refurbishment of the interior of the home so that it becomes a more pleasant place to live.

17 March 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us 'I'm very happy here, I'm staying here the rest of my life'; 'I am very satisfied with the home, I'm happy to do my own thing'; 'the staff know how to meet my needs and listen to me'; and 'I'm perfectly happy here, I couldn't ask for anything more'.

People gave us examples of choices that they make such as what time they get up, where they eat, and how they spend their time. People told us that they take part in 'residents' meetings where they are able to influence the running of the home.

People told us they were very happy with the food at the home. One person said 'We have cooked breakfast on Sunday, there's always plenty of food'. People told us there was always fresh fruit available and snacks are provided.

People who live in the home told us that they were happy with the staff at the home. Comments included 'they are kind and absolutely wonderful', 'staff are nice' and 'staff are all good and listen to me'.