• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Longcombe Residential Home

Ludwell Lane, Exeter, Devon, EX2 5AQ (01392) 275103

Provided and run by:
Guinness Care and Support Limited

All Inspections

30 October 2013

During a routine inspection

The home provided accommodation, personal care and support for five people who had a learning disability and were all either partially sighted or had no sight at all. We met all the people who lived at the home and interacted with them during the course of the visit. We found that everyone at the home was unable to communicate verbally, but that everyone had their own way of communicating and making clear their wishes. We found there was a friendly and homely atmosphere throughout the home.

People knew the staff well and staff were able to describe how they encouraged and supported people to be as independent as possible and to participate in local activities. At the time of the inspection, two people were going out to a swimming session and then going shopping. From photos of previous sessions, it was evident that people enjoyed swimming. We were told that one person had just bought a new fashionable coat. This was seen with the obvious delight of the owner!

People received appropriate care and support which was based on individual needs, interests and preferences. Care needs were identified from previous records and assessment, in discussion with professionals and through body expressions. Individual mannerisms helped staff to know what each person needed. Care was centred on each person individually which meant that safe support was provided which enabled individuals to be as independent as possible. A wide range of community activities and outings were arranged which took account of each person's individual choices.

There was a new medication system in place. Staff were able to describe and we observed the procedures and recording methods followed. Records were accurate and up to date.

Staff worked as a close and supportive team to ensure that people’s needs were met. Staff were knowledgeable and skilled in working with people at the home. Active support was provided by the home’s manager who told us ‘the people and staff team were wonderful, everyone works well together’. Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare.

We saw that there were systems throughout the home to monitor and continually improve the quality of care provided.

We were told that the home, which is owned by Guinness Care and Support Limited, had made an application to deregister the service as a residential home and move toward a supported living environment. Building plans for the new scheme were seen.

26 February 2013

During a routine inspection

People who lived in this service had varying abilities in communicating.

The people who lived in this service were unable to talk with us. Because of this we looked at records, talked with staff and observed the way that the care was provided.

We saw that the staff maintained up to date records of what support had been given to people. This meant that visiting professionals and family could refer to them for progress reports as the people concerned could not talk for themselves.

Staff talked of their awareness of how to keep people safe from harm. They told us about the training that the home had arranged for them to attend so that they would recognise abuse and how to report it.

We saw that staff were always available when people needed help. We saw that staff were friendly and professionally.

2 February 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited Longcombe on 2 February 2012. The inspection was unannounced and took place over five hours and 25 minutes. We spent all of our time in communal areas, apart from when people showed us their rooms.

We met all of the five people living at the home, spoke with two staff on duty and observed the practice of staff members. We also looked at a variety of records, including support plans for people using the service, and we visited all areas of the home, apart from the laundry.

People staying at the service were not able to comment directly on their care so we spent time in communal areas to help us make a judgement about people's experiences of using the service. We used a tool called SOFI 2 (Short Observational Framework for Inspection).

We saw that staff treated people with consideration and respect. Staff were able to recognise when the person wanted physical reassurance and when they wanted their own space.

Staff told us about and demonstrated how they respected people's dignity.

We saw how staff were observant to people's changing moods and responded appropriately. Throughout the inspection, we observed that staff communicated appropriately with people, and the relationships between staff and people in the home were good.

Staff provided support in a caring manner making sure that people were comfortable and content.

Each person seemed relaxed in their surroundings and recognised their own room and personal belongings.

Staff told us that people were able to make their views known about daily events. There were also meetings to try and gather the views of people living at Longcombe by talking with people who were important to them.

People living at the home were not able to comment directly on the role of the manager.