• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Monmouth House

St Thomas Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9NA (01590) 675694

Provided and run by:
Colten Care (1693) Limited

All Inspections

29 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We saw that people had been involved in devising their care plans and that these were signed. We saw that the care records included information about whether people were able to make decisions or whether someone else acted on their behalf. The care records also recorded people's religious and cultural needs.

Measures were in place to ensure food stocks and cooked food was hygienically prepared. We saw records that showed that the refrigerator temperatures, cooking temperatures, batch cooking temperatures and chilling temperatures were monitored and recorded. We looked at a sample of recordings from the previous four months and found these to be fully completed.

The deputy manager confirmed that all members of staff received training in safeguarding adults on commencement at the service and received refresher training annually. Care workers we spoke with were able to describe the main types of abuse and the actions they would take if abuse was suspected.

We looked at three staff files, all contained evidence of identity and that staff had all completed DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. The care workers had completed an application form which requested details of their employment history and reasons for leaving last employment.

People who use the service, their representatives and staff were asked for their views about their care and treatment and they were acted on. We looked at the resident satisfaction survey that was conducted in August and September 2013. At the time 18 people lived at Monmouth house and the survey returned 17 responses. 21% of people who used the service rated the quality of care as 'excellent' and 79% rated the quality of care as 'good'.

12 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six people who lived at the home and with one relative. They all said that they were treated with respect and dignity. One person who used the service said 'If you have to retire this is the place to be everyone is so friendly and helpful'. People said that their preferences were understood and respected.

People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. Each person we spoke with said they were happy at the home. People told us they were supported by staff to receive the care they needed.

Appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to the storage and recording of medicine. We looked at the medicine administration records available in the home, which kept a record of medicines staff had administered to people and these had been fully completed.

Staff were supported by clear procedures and appropriate training. We saw the record of planned and completed training. All training was linked to the essential standards of care for example, moving and handling, safeguarding, infection control and health and safety in an adult social care setting. People had their comments and complaints listened to and acted on. We spoke with six people who use the service. They said that they had not had to make a complaint but knew how to do so if they needed to.

18 October 2011

During a routine inspection

People using the service that we spoke with said they felt they were well treated by staff. People gave examples of staff having the right skills and of offering choices about the way care was provided. People said staff always spoke to them in a way that was respectful. People told us that the home had regular residents' meetings and a catering committee, which provided feedback about the service provided and suggestions for improvements. People said this feedback was taken seriously by the provider.

People said they felt safe at Monmouth House and were confident that any concerns they raised would be addressed.

People told us there were sufficient staff available at all times to meet their needs. People gave examples of call bells being answered promptly and of staff having the time to talk to them as well as meet their immediate needs. We were told that staff had the right skills for the job, with one person commenting that the staff were 'first class'.