• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Mendip House

West Lane, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AS (0191) 388 2514

Provided and run by:
Durham County Council

All Inspections

12 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spent time observing how staff supported people living in Mendip House. We found staff to be respectful in their approach, treating people with dignity and courtesy. We saw that staff knocked on doors before entering ensuring people's privacy was respected. People we spoke with said that they were happy with the staff. We spent time talking with several people and observed how staff provided support and care. We observed staff explaining what they were doing to people that lived in the home. We saw that people looked clean and well cared for.

When we visited the home we looked at care plans and saw that the individual needs of each person were documented, care plans had been reviewed and people using the service and their relatives were involved in the review process.

We looked at records of staff employment and saw evidence that staff had been through recruitment checks and that two references had been provided for each employee. This demonstrated that the provider was recruiting staff with the required skills and experience. We saw evidence of training provided during the induction period in line with the policy of the provider.

We saw that people who used the service, relatives and staff were asked for their views about their care and treatment. On the day of the visit, we were unable to access records of staff meetings as the manager was on leave but evidence was subsequently provided which demonstrated that meetings had taken place.

10 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with several people who used the service. Everyone spoke positively about the care they received.

We observed staff providing care and support to people throughout the inspection. There was a calm, friendly atmosphere around the home and people were seen to respond positively to the staff throughout. The building was clean, warm and well maintained.

People told us the staff treated them with dignity and respect. One person said 'The standards are very good.' Another said 'I would recommend here to anybody. We are treated like ladies and gents.'

We saw people were fully involved in any decisions about their care. We also found care and treatment at the home was planned and delivered in a way which ensured people's safety and welfare. One person said 'The staff had no hesitation in contacting the doctor to see me when I caught my knee. The staff accompany me to hospital when I need to get my dressings changed.' They also said 'I have never regretted coming here.'

People's nutritional needs were met. Comments from people included 'The food is fantastic.'

We found staff received appropriate professional development. One person said 'The staff are lovely you can't fault them.' Another commented 'The girls are exceedingly good'.

Everyone said they would have no hesitation in making a complaint if they were unhappy. One person said 'If I wasn't happy I would talk to the staff.' Another said 'I would complain if I wasn't happy.'

11 January 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with many of the people in the home during our visit. Those people living in the home told us that staff treated them with respect. They told us that they got 'four good meals a day' and that their bedroom was always clean. They told us they could choose how to spend their day and that they felt safe there. Everyone said that they would feel happy making a complaint if they were unhappy about something, but everyone we spoke with told us how satisfied they were with the service.

Similarly, people who were receiving intermediate care told us how staff were supporting them to regain their independence so that they could return home. A visitor, who's relative was receiving intermediate care, told us how friendly they found the staff and that they were always made to feel welcome when they visited.

A visiting social worker and occupational therapist also told us they felt the home provided a good service. They told us that it never smelt unpleasant and that communication between themselves and the staff was really good. They said that this was important as it meant that the goal plans written for people in intermediate were followed by staff. This meant that people's health improved and they could return home.