• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: MBNS Clinic - Thame

57 North Street, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3BH (01844) 213007

Provided and run by:
Medico Beauty Nurse Services

All Inspections

3 April 2013

During a routine inspection

The registered manager was not available on the day of inspection. We spoke with a director, nursing and administration staff. Staff told us that the clinic had seen significant staff absences in the last eight months due to illness and nursing staff covering other clinics.

We found that all of the patient records we reviewed contained a signed consent form. People we spoke with told us that their treatment was explained to them along with the risks and benefits. The cost of treatment was also shared before treatment began.

People's needs were fully assessed in an initial consultation with the nurses. This included a full medical history, medication and allergy review. One person told us how they were "over the moon" with their treatment and they had recommended the clinic to friends.

People we spoke with told us the clinic was always very clean. We saw the clinic was clean and hygienic. However, we found there were not effective systems in place to monitor infection control.

Staff were supported in their roles. We saw records to confirm staff attended regular training and courses in specific aesthetic treatments. Staff had an annual appraisal and we saw records to confirm this.

We found the provider had a system in place to monitor the quality of service. People were asked for their feedback in regular surveys. We saw the results from the last survey which showed the majority of people were extremely happy with their treatment.

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

We found that the service had developed a safeguarding of vulnerable adults policy. We were also told that one of the nurses had attended training in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. The staff member cascaded this training to the staff team to make them aware of how to respond appropriately to any allegation of abuse.

The safeguarding policy which the provider submitted was comprehensive and informative to ensure that staff understood what to do should they have concerns about the safety and welfare of people using the service.

29 February 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke to one person who had used the service for five years. We were told that treatment received had been 'fabulous' and she had felt safe whilst receiving treatment. She said she had been treated by a number of staff at the clinic. Prior to each treatment her medical history and written consent had been obtained. Information about the proposed treatment including treatment benefits and outcomes had also been explained. She said she had been given aftercare information to take home following the treatments.

Should she have any concerns she said that she would approach a nurse. She said that the clinic had raised the issue of complaints with her in that they had told her that if she was not happy to contact the clinic and come in.