During an inspection looking at part of the service
We carried out this unannounced inspection in response to a serious incident at the hospital. We focused on specific aspects of two key questions, ‘safe’ and ‘effective. This was to establish whether the provider had adequate safeguards in place to keep patients safe and to review the measures the provider had put in place to mitigate the potential risks.
- The building was not purpose built and there were multiple ligature points. Risk of ligature was reduced through the assessment of patients. Patients who were a known suicide risk were not admitted. All patients were risk assessed, such as for risk of self harm and ligature history.
- The service carried out regular ligature audits and staff mitigated ligature and other risks through observations and engagement. Staff followed the observation and engagement policies and followed procedures and recorded observations of all patients. Policies on risk and observation were embedded in the team.
- The provider planned to move from the current premises to a purpose built unit that was designed to minimise ligature risk. Notice had been given on the lease of the current building and they were expecting to move in January 2018.
- The provider had responded to the shortage of two trained nurses and had closed two beds to ensure safe staffing levels in the short term. The provider was actively recruiting for trained staff.
- Staff were debriefed after incidents and learning was shared across the team. Staff knew how to report incidents and the culture was open and transparent in response to incidents, with evidence of improvement in practice.
- Patients and staff were positive about the service and patients told us that they felt safe and staff told us that they felt supported.
- The provider worked well with partners, such as the local mental health trust. Cypress staff attended regular meetings with the wards and crisis staff. The crisis team were on site at Cypress three days a week and worked in close partnership with the provider. Information was shared between the local trust and Cypress, with read only care plan information for senior staff. The provider was in the process of implementing a joint action plan with Devon Partnership NHS Trust to improve access to care records so that there was access for all staff.
- The regular ligature audits had not addressed all the environmental risks, we asked the provider to revisit this with Devon Partnership NHS Trust and carry out a joint ligature audit.
- Although individual risk was discussed in handover meetings and regular meetings with the crisis team and ward, the provider admission documentation did not always specifically include a prompt to exclude any patients with a current or historical ligature risk.
- Staff felt well supported and supervised, but the provider was not meeting its appraisal targets.