Archived: Beaminster - Care at Home

10 The Square, Beaminster, Dorset, DT8 3AW (01308) 863775

Provided and run by:
Altogether Care LLP

All Inspections

24 November 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke, by telephone, with five people who received care and with three relatives.

People we spoke with told us that they were very pleased with the service provided. They told us that staff were polite and courteous and maintained their privacy and dignity. They felt that their views and suggestions were listened to and taken into account.

People told us that staff were very patient and accommodating; they always asked if there was anything else they could do before they left. They said that staff knew how to cheer people up and they were very friendly. A family member told us that they were impressed with the level of care and concern shown by staff.

People told us they were involved in planning their care in partnership with staff and that the care provided was very good. People felt that they were understood and treated as individuals. They found staff very supportive over any issues relating to their health and well being or practical issues.

Relatives told us they felt involved in the care and were able to contribute to reviews in care planning. They were informed if there were any concerns about the person's health and wellbeing.

People told us that they felt safe with the staff providing care for them and that they knew how to raise any concerns. They told us that any concerns or queries were dealt with promptly. Those who had support with shopping were happy with the systems for checking money and receipts.

People thought that staff had been given good training and knew what they were doing. They told us that when a new member of staff started they always shadowed experienced staff before working alone.

People told us that staff gave them opportunity to give suggestions and feedback. Some told us they had completed a monitoring form when their care needs were reviewed.