• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Husbands

27-29 High Street, Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6LJ (01858) 881200

Provided and run by:
Community Care Solutions Limited

All Inspections

22 April 2013

During a routine inspection

We saw the staff approached their work in a caring and supportive manner. They were able to explain their role to us and understood their responsibilities to ensure people were cared for appropriately and their needs were met.

The people who live at the home are encouraged to participate in the daily routines within the house and, for example, were involved in preparing meals and cleaning with appropriate support from staff where required.

We saw a person who lived at the home make his own decisions about what he had for lunch and he prepared himself a sandwich and drink.

A person who lived at the home told us, 'Maggie [the Manger] is great' and, 'It's good here.'

One relative told us, 'Communication is good. We are kept fully informed.'

A person who lived at the home told us, 'I go to the gym every week and I used to go boxing too.'

We looked around the home and saw the accommodation provided appropriate communal and private space for the people who lived there. We saw that the home had separate lounges for watching television and for activities. We looked at care files for people who lived at the home and found them to be up to date. However, we noted that one incident, which involved the police had not been reported to us. The manager acknowledged this oversight and agreed to provide us with appropriate information.