Archived: Brambling Way

53 Brambling Way, Oadby, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 5PB (0116) 271 9644

Provided and run by:
Community Care Solutions Limited

All Inspections

10 January 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of our inspection on this service we spoke with two people who used the service, the relatives of two people who used the service, and five members of staff working for the service, including the registered manager and the director of operations for the provider.

The people who used the service told us they were happy living at the home. One person told us: "It's alright. I enjoy it here. Everything is alright." Another person, who had been in several homes before coming to this one, told us: "I like this one better."

Staff we spoke with described a supportive environment and all told us that they enjoyed working for the service. One support worker told us: "I do like it here. I get on well with the service users and the staff and the manager is very approachable."

None of the people we spoke with had anything negative to say about the service.

We reviewed the care and support plans in place for people using the service and found these to contain enough detail about the people they concerned. They were well presented and easy to follow. Care was being planned to meet people needs and was delivered to ensure people had choices and independence wherever possible.

We observed positive interactions between staff and people using the service and saw that people were living in a pleasant and homely environment.

17 February 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who used the service. All of them told us that they liked living at the home.

One person told us that she liked, 'Taking each day as it comes' and that the care team supported her in that regard. Two people told us that they liked that they could do what they wanted in terms of pursuing their interests, pastimes or relaxing. A fourth person told us that she enjoyed going to a day centre where she did interesting things and also liked doing things at home like baking cakes.

A carer told us that she enjoyed working at the home and that that she had received training and supported that had enabled her to support the people who lived at the home.