Archived: Coventry Domiciliary Care Agency

Unit 41 Coventry Enterprise Centre, 8-9 Bilton Industrial Estate, Humber Avenue, Coventry, West Midlands, CV3 1JL (024) 7645 9898

Provided and run by:
Solor Care West Midlands Ltd

All Inspections

30 August 2011

During a routine inspection

The people we visited who are supported by the service were unable to communicate verbally, but their demeanour indicated they were content, and although they did not wish to engage with us, they were comfortable in their environment, and able and prepared to prompt staff when they wanted something.

Relatives we spoke with praised the service on their behalf, saying how individuals had developed, had become more independent, learned social skills, and enjoyed a wider experience of life and a better quality of life than previously. One relative said that 'they were doing things they wouldn't have thought possible before'.

People had no concerns about people's safety or well-being: 'They are well-looked after', 'no problems at all,' were typical comments.