Archived: Springhill

The Mount, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7LX (01538) 382860

Provided and run by:
Staffordshire County Council

All Inspections

12 February 2013

During a routine inspection

During the inspection we spoke with people who used the service, spoke with staff and looked at records. People we spoke with told us they were happy with the care they received and they had choices in how their care was provided. People told us, "I choose what I do and when I do it" and "I am involved in my care plan".

The provider had systems in place to ensure that people who did not have the capacity to consent were protected by following legal requirements.

We spoke with people who used the service who told us that they knew who to speak to if they were not being treated appropriately. Staff had received abuse training and knew how to report suspected abuse.

Staff had been recruited in an appropriate way and checks had been carried out to ensure that vulnerable people were protected from the risk of harm.

We saw that the provider had systems in place to gain the views of people who used the service and these were acted upon and regular audits were undertaken to monitor the quality of the service delivered. However, the provider had not always undertaken improvements to promote the wellbeing of people who used the service.

13 April 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

During our visit we spoke with one of the people who uses the service. She told us that she is kept up to date and fully informed. She also told us that she was asked for her consent prior to treatments and that she understood about this and was 'kept up to date with things'.

The person who uses the service also told us that she was well cared for and that all her needs were met by the staff at the home.

With reference to eating meals this person told us that she preferred to take meals on her own in her own house and that the staff ensured that this happened.

This person also told us that she always felt safe and protected by the staff.

She told us that she liked to clean her own house but that she had help if she needed it.

This person told us that she goes over to the main house for her medication, that she understands what she is taking and that she is happy with this arrangement.

This person also told us that the staff 'are very kind, helpful and caring'.

Following our visit we spoke with an advocate who acts on behalf of five of the people who use the service.

The advocate confirmed that she represented the views of the people using the service by expressing these on their behalf, and she was involved appropriately in making decisions about their care, treatment and support.

The advocate also confirmed that person centred support plans were developed and reviewed with the people who use the service and/or their representatives.

She also told us that people she represented appeared well cared for and had their needs met by the staff.

The advocate also told us that the service listened to any concerns, takes concerns seriously and acts upon them swiftly. She felt that the service was approachable and maintained an open culture.