• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Scotch Orchard

55 Scotch Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6DE (01543) 264755

Provided and run by:
Staffordshire County Council

All Inspections

30 July 2013

During a routine inspection

Our inspection visit at Scotch Orchard was unannounced which meant the service did not know we were coming.

People who used the service had complex needs which included communication difficulties. We saw that people were smiling and looked happy and relaxed in the home. We observed the care people received. We read information from their families that told us that they were happy with the care their relative received. We spoke with two care staff during our visit.

We looked to see if people who used the service had consented to their care, treatment and support. We saw that the service had systems in place to ensure that people were supported to give their consent about their care while living at Scotch Orchard.

We looked at care files which provided information about people's care and spoke with the manager. We saw that the service was meeting the care and welfare needs of people who used the service.

We saw that the home had arrangements in place to cooperate with other providers. This ensured that people received continuous care.

We looked around the home and saw that people lived in a safe and comfortable environment. The manager showed us the areas of the home that had been redecorated and refurbished since our last visit. This included people's bedrooms.

We saw that improvements were needed to ensure that people's care files were updated to ensure that they accurately reflected the care and support care people needed.

15 August 2012

During a routine inspection

When we visited Scotch Orchard we spoke with three of the people who lived there, staff on duty and the registered manager. We found that staff understood people's individual and personal needs. Care staff we spoke with showed that they knew how people communicated their needs. Care staff knew how they should respond to meet people's individual requests for support.

We saw that staff treated people kindly and respectfully. People living in the home were included in conversations and their input was encouraged. We saw that people were relaxed and at ease with staff within their home environment.

We looked at the care records for three of the people using the service to see how their care was provided and managed. We talked with staff who demonstrated they were aware of people's care and support needs. Staff said they had received training to help them understand how to meet the needs of people in their care.

We saw that the decor and furnishings in most areas of the home looked dull and old fashioned. This did not help to provide a homely living environment that was appropriate for the age group of the people that lived at Scotch Orchard.

Information we read showed that people were supported to make choices in their daily lives. One person had a weekly programme of events and activities they took part in. These included for example attending a day centre, shopping, eating out and horse riding. If at any time the person did not want to take part in a planned event or go out their wishes were respected.

We read documents that showed that the provider regularly audited the service people received at Scotch Orchard. These included monthly unannounced visits to the premises by a representative from Staffordshire County Council.