Archived: Newcastle Community Living

Units 1, 2, 3 Evolution, Lymdale West, Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 9QF (01782) 428068

Provided and run by:
Staffordshire County Council

All Inspections

17, 18 March 2011

During a routine inspection

We visited five people who use the services of the agency. All of them were very happy with the care provided to them. They knew the carers well and said that staff respected them and promoted their independence. One person told us " I am very happy in my new home with the help from my carers. They always turn up on time and I have a number to ring if there are any problems" People showed us the care records they and staff use as part of the service. They confirmed they are consulted on the type of care that is provided. They told us that staff always turn up and they are always informed if the member of staff is late. They also said they knew what to do if they had concerns about their care.