Archived: Pelham and Porchester House

69 Croham Road, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 7HF (020) 8680 8514

Provided and run by:
Odyssey Care Solutions for Today

All Inspections

1 March 2012

During a routine inspection

The feedback we received from people we spoke with about what it was like to live at Porchester and Pelham House was very positive on balance. Typical comments made by people we met, included: 'Yes, I like living here', 'I have lived here for a long time ' I am happy living here', and 'It's a nice place to live'.

It was evident from comments we received from the people who use the service that most felt able to influence how their home was run and make informed choices about certain aspects of their lives. Typical feedback from people we spoke with, included: 'My favourite food is baked beans, which I am going to have for my lunch today', 'I do not like eating chewy meat so staff make sure I never have it', 'Staff sometimes make me chicken curry when I ask them', and 'I have a key-worker who I like and who I can talk too'.

The feedback we received from people about the opportunities they had to do as much for themselves as they were willing and able to was also very positive. Typical comments made by people we met, included: 'I wash my own clothes', Staff ask me to clean my bedroom sometimes, which I do if I feel like it', 'Staff help me cook curry and make coffee', and 'I travel on the tram to college with staff'. During our visit we observed care staff actively encouraging and supporting the people who use the service to make their own drinks in the kitchen and help out in the laundry.

When we arrived at Porchester and Pelham House none of the people who lived there were engaged in particularly interesting or meaningful social or recreational activities. Care staff told us this was due to a member of staff calling in sick at the last minute which they had been unable to find cover for. Nonetheless, people who use the service and care staff who work there all told us people usually have lots of opportunities to pursue their social interests both within their home and in the wider community. Typical feedback we received, included: 'I never get bored here', 'I go out a lot with staff to the cafe, to Monday club, and rambling once a week', 'I like going to college where I can paint and do gardening','I go bike riding sometimes', and 'I like going to the pub with staff in the evenings'.

All the people who live at Porchester and Pelham House told us the staff always treated them well and that they felt safe living there. Typical comments we received, included: 'Staff are nice here', 'I like the staff a lot', and 'If I am not happy I can talk to my key-worker'.

Throughout the course of our visit we always observed care staff treat the people who lived at Porchester and Pelham House with the utmost respect and courtesy. Care staff were also seen taking their time to listen to what the people who use the service had to say.

All the people we spoke with told us they liked the way their bedrooms had been decorated. During a tour of the premises it was positively noted that it looked clean and all the bedrooms we viewed were suitably furnished and decorated to a reasonable standard.

However, the malodorous smell we found in one bedroom was over powering and more suitable floor covering that can meet the needs of the individual who occupies this room must be found.

Furthermore, the majority of the feedback we received from the people who use the service and staff was very negative about the overall decorative state of both Porchester and Pelham House. Typical comments made, included: 'The lounge and dinning room interiors have not had any new furniture or been repainted for years ' hence these areas look so worn and shabby', 'I cannot remember the last time this place was done up', and 'The house needs painting'.

We also identified a number of issues with regards the services fire safety arrangements and the propping open of fire resistant doors by staff.

There has clearly been a significant delay in addressing these issues as the need for repairs and refurbishments has built up over time and are not in most cases new. We are aware that there continues to be on-going discussions about the possible closure of the Porchester and Pelham House, but the provider must not allow the home to remain in such a poor state of repair without taking the necessary action to remedy any structural or environmental defects.