Archived: Seeleys Respite Centre

Seeleys House, Campbell Drive, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1TF (01494) 475340

Provided and run by:
Buckinghamshire County Council

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

23 November 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Improvements had been made to people's care plans and risk assessments. This ensured they received care which met their needs and reduced risk of injury or harm.

A revised complaints procedure was in place. This set out who people could complain to and the timescales for responding. Complaints leaflets were available at the service. Staff had been handing these out to people at the end of their stay.

2 August 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service. This was because some people using the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences.

We observed staff interacting and supporting people in a positive manner. People communicated their satisfaction with staff by certain gestures such as, flickering with their eye lids and smiling. We observed staff responding to people promptly when they requested assistance with personal care.

We spoke with relatives of two people who used the service. They said 'the care is good.'

One person told us they enjoyed the choice of meals that were on offer. They said they particularly enjoyed the choice of breakfast cereals that was available. The person said 'I like cornflakes best.' The person said 'I enjoy my food.'

We observed people and staff were at ease together. People's movements were not restricted and they were free to wander in and out of the communal lounge and their bedroom.

A relative of a person who used service said staff ensured their family member received their medication on time and in a safe manner.

We observed where people were less able to initiate communication; staff interacted with them and checked whether they needed anything.

Relatives of people who used the service said that they had never had the need to make a complaint

7 October 2011

During a routine inspection

One person we spoke with said he was given a choice of food and drinks at breakfast and his preferences were respected. People told us there were staff around when they needed them and that they had a choice of things to do whilst staying at the service.

One person told us their stay had been 'alright'. Some other people who were able to express themselves verbally said they had enjoyed being at the service. We saw people who could not communicate verbally smiling and laughing with staff.