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Archived: Jamesons Residential Care Home Limited - 189a Mill Road

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

189A Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LP (01206) 242282

Provided and run by:
Jameson's Residential Home Limited

All Inspections

31 March 2016

During a routine inspection

The inspection took place on 31 March and was unannounced. We had previously visited this service on 23 August 2013 and found it compliant with the legislation at that time.

189a Mill Road supports two people with a learning disability to live within their community. On the day of our inspection there were two people using the service. This service is one of six in the same group, located close together under ‘Jameson’s Residential Care’ umbrella.

There was a registered manager in post at the time of the inspection and they were present at this inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People told us that they liked living at the service and wanted to continue living there. The building was purpose built and in a good state of repair. There were systems in place to reduce the risks to people and there were clear plans in place for emergencies. Staffing levels were flexible and were adjusted to take account of the needs of the individuals who used the service and their access to day time activities and the wider community.

Staff were clear about how and when they should be administering medicines. People were supported with their health needs and relatives and advocates were involved when appropriate. Staff were trained in a range of areas including medication, safeguarding and first aid.

People were encouraged to be independent and to exercise choice in how they were supported. People had good access to a day service, transport and community facilities. Complaints were investigated and responded to.

The manager was easily accessible for staff and they were motivated and felt well supported. Staff understood the aims and objectives of the service and worked towards and in line with these. They were clear about what was expected of them and there were effective systems in place to review the care provided.

23 August 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to both people who use the service. Despite limited communication abilities, the people who use the service both confirmed that they felt happy in the service and enjoyed the company and support of the staff who supported them.

We spoke with two members of staff about the delivery of care. Both members of staff were able to describe the needs of the people who used the service and how their care was planned and delivered. This showed us that the staff working at the service were delivering care and treatment in line with individual care plans.

We spoke with two people who used the service. They were both able to confirm that they felt safe at the service. We saw evidence, in the form of posters and leaflets, of the availability of independent advocacy services. This showed us that people who use the service had access to independent agencies they, or their relatives could contact if they needed to.

People who used the service, relatives and visiting professionals all made positive comments about the staff in a recent survey. No negative comments had been made.

We examined the homes system for quality assurance and reviewing care planning documents. These showed us that the service had a robust system for both areas.

15 February 2013

During a routine inspection

During the inspection we spoke with one of the two people who used the service. Although they had limited verbal communication skills, they were able to tell us or indicate to us that they were happy with the care and support they received.

They told us they were well treated and enjoyed the activities available to them.

We looked at care records for both people who used the service. These were comprehensive and up to date and provided information about the needs of the person and how those needs could be safely met.

People who used the service were involved in discussions about their care and support, and family contact and involvement was encouraged.

We found that the premises were well equipped and regular maintenance and quality checks carried out.