Archived: Griffin Care Centre

Moorland Gardens, Off Old Bedford Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 7NX (01582) 439420

Provided and run by:
Southern Cross(LSC)Limited

All Inspections

13, 14 October 2010

During an inspection in response to concerns

We were given varied comments from people who use the service and relatives visiting the home.

For example one person who uses this service told us 'I have no complaints about the service here'. They told us that they could make choices about how they spent their time and that a relative visited each evening to play dominoes and enjoy a glass of wine. We observed that there was a bottle of wine in their room.

However another person in the home told a visiting NHS Luton professional, that when staff give her medication 'they shove all 7 tablets in my mouth at once'. This person has swallowing difficulties and they said it makes them cough.

They also said 'I have had this headache for days and it wont go away'. When this was discussed with the staff at the home, they were not aware that this person was in pain. Therefore pain relief had not been considered.

A visiting relative at the home told us that there had been a relatives meeting at the home. She told us that the meeting had been very well attended and a lot of concerns had been raised about things such as laundry problems. However she lacked confidence that this will be addressed, as historically issues have been raised and nothing has happened.