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Archived: Doubleday Lodge

Glebe Lane, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4JW (01795) 423444

Provided and run by:
Kent County Council

All Inspections

8 August 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we spoke with several of the 14 people who were using the service, together with speaking with the staff and management.

We found that the service obtained suitably detailed information about people and their needs to enable staff to provide effective care.

Care records showed that the people were supported with their care in a way that was individual and in accordance with their wishes. The care records reflected the health and personal care that people needed, and was appropriately checked and agreed with people or their next of kin.

People told us that they were happy with the support they received, and that the staff looked after them well. People said they liked the food, there was a choice of menu and that they chose where to eat.

We found that care staff were appropriately trained and supervised so that they could meet people's individual care needs.

People said that they were happy with the service provided. Their comments included 'The service here is good', 'They look after us well', 'The staff are kind and considerate' and 'The caring is first class'.

20 November 2012

During a routine inspection

People said they liked living at Doubleday Lodge. They said they had been involved in discussions about the help they needed and their preferred day to day routines. People said they had enough to do and could join in with activities if they wanted to. They said they were happy with the support they received, that the staff were kind, caring and on hand to help when needed. People said they liked the food, there was a choice of menu and that they chose where to eat. They said they knew who to speak to if they should have any concerns, but they did not have any concerns.

Comments from people included 'Brilliant, could not ask for better, could not get better'; 'I am able to get up and go to bed when I want, staff come and ask me and I tell them when I am ready'; 'Staff go to a lot of trouble' and 'The girls are good'.

11 November 2011

During a routine inspection

People said they liked living at Doubleday Lodge. They said they had been involved in discussions about the help they needed and their preferred day to day routines. People said they had enough to do and could join in with activities if they wanted to. They said they were happy with the support they received, that the staff were kind, caring and on hand to help when needed. People said they liked the food, there was a choice of menu and that they chose where to eat. They said they knew who to speak to should they have any concerns. They said that they had no concerns.