We carried out this inspection to check on the care and welfare of people using this service. The inspection was unannounced which meant the provider and the staff did not know we were coming. We spoke with three people using the service, two staff, the registered manager and the provider.We saw staff provided sensitive support and people using the service were treated with respect. We saw people were encouraged to be as independent as possible in their home and in the community. People told us they did a range of activities and went out as much as they wanted to including working, going to college, and going out with friends and family in the community.
We saw the care records included photographs of important people, places and events. People's views were taken into consideration when planning their care, and people were able to take control of how they wanted to be supported. One person told us, 'I like to go out with my friends and family. We get to do what we want to do. The staff help us if we need them.'
Medication was not kept securely and medicines were administered and managed by the staff. The medication records did not record all information needed to ensure people received all their medicines at the right time.
Records were not kept securely to ensure they were maintained confidentially. Records relating to support for people living in the community were not available in the service to demonstrate how support was provided and kept under review.