Why we carried out this reviewWe carried out this review to check on the care and welfare of people using this service. Before the visit we received information of concern from the local authority the management of a scabies outbreak and the poor level of cleanliness and infection control in the home.
How we carried out this review
We reviewed all the information we hold about this home and carried out a visit on 28 May 2012. During our visit we observed how people were being cared for, spoke with people who used the services, looked at the records of people who use the service and talked with staff who worked in the home.
What people told us
We spoke with the owner of Castlefort Grange, the home manager and three care staff. The owner visited the home daily and was involved in the management and some aspects of the day to day running of the home. The manager and care staff told us they enjoyed working in the home.
The manager showed us around the home. As we walked around the manager showed us what action they had taken to improve the cleanliness of the home. We saw that most bedrooms looked homely clean and lived in. Some of the bedrooms we viewed both on the ground and first floor looked sparse and not inviting. The manager told us that some people did not have many personal items or had not brought them in with them. The manager agreed that more could be done to make these bedrooms more comfortable for the people that lived in them. Two people we spoke with said they were happy with their bedrooms.
There were 19 people living at the home when we visited. One of these people was in hospital. People we spoke with told us that the care was 'good'. One person said 'They (the staff) treat me well' another person told us 'The staff are kind'.
We found that the people living at Castlefort Grange were happy with the home. One resident speaking with her relative said 'It's nice here and the staff are good to me'. The person went on to say 'Sometimes I get fed up but you would anyway'. One person told us 'They (the staff) are all kind and they always talk nicely to me'.
We saw that people were dressed in individual styles. Most people looked smart and attention had been paid to their grooming and personal care. We saw that some people could have had more support to help them maintain their appearance.
We spent time observing people particularly over busy periods. For example at tea time there were two people left in the lounge who were calling for assistance. We saw that it was 10 minutes before a member of care staff was available to attend to the two people.
We saw that most people living in the home were independent and could do a lot for themselves. There were people who needed the support of one or two care staff to meet their needs. For example we observed that two care staff were needed to help some people to walk or transfer from one place to another.
We saw that care staff were busy. We observed that care staff did not always have the time to attend to people's requests in a timely way. We observed two care staff using inappropriate moving and handling techniques when helping two people to stand in preparation for to walk.
We saw good interaction between people who live in the home and the staff that helped them to meet their everyday needs. On the day of our visit several people were sitting outside enjoying the sunshine. People looked happy and we saw that people were engaging with one another.
At the time of our visit some family members and friends were visiting their relatives. Family we spoke with told us that they were happy with the way the home supported their relative. We saw that staff working in the home knew families and were able to engage in conversation with them.