25 November 2013
During a routine inspection
Everyone who lived in the reminiscence neighbourhood had a diagnosis of dementia. This meant people were not always able to tell us about their experiences. To ensure they were receiving the support they needed we observed how staff interacted with them and the care practice in the home. People we spoke with told us, "It's like I'm on holiday" and, "I don't know if I'll stay but I'm okay so far".
We saw that individual care records included information about the support people needed and how risks had been assessed. People received social care, health care and the treatment they needed.
Systems for the management and administration of medication were effective and staff were suitably trained. This meant people were protected from the risk of unsafe medication administration practice.
Staffing levels were sufficient to meet people's needs and staff received the training they needed to support people.
The service was regularly audited to ensure that people received a good quality service and improvements were continually being made. The views of people who used the service and their relatives were sought regularly by the provider.