Archived: St Johns Daytime Support

Dupuis Centre, 25 South Bar, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 9AE

Provided and run by:
Oxfordshire County Council Shared Lives Scheme

All Inspections

10 January 2013

During a routine inspection

There were seven people using the service at the time of the inspection. We spoke to all seven people, made observations and reviewed documents such as care plans. People who used the service talked about it enthusiastically. One person said: 'I like going swimming.' Another person talked about choice, telling us, 'There's a lot for me to do.' A person who worked at a local furniture restoration project said: 'I do woodwork.'

People referred to a range of supported activities and opportunities they enjoyed in the local community. They told us that they felt safe at the service and we observed effective communication and a positive relationship between staff and the people they supported. People said that they were involved in their care and support plans which they could discuss with staff and were reviewed regularly. We found that people were supported in a dignified, respectful way.

Through interviews with staff and review of staff files we found that staff had regular and effective supervision, allied to training opportunities. A member of staff talked positively about training, telling us, 'That's what's good about it' (referring to the county). Staff supported people using the service in sensitive and appropriate ways. A staff member said of the furniture restoration project, 'It builds on self-esteem and skills.'

We found that there were suitable mechanisms for assuring service quality, including accessible information for people.