Archived: Carewatch (Torbay)

141 St Marychurch Road, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3HW (01803) 311188

Provided and run by:
Carewatch Care Services Limited

All Inspections

31 January and 1 February 2013

During a routine inspection

32 people used the service. We spoke with seven people and two relatives. We also spoke with four care workers, a supervisor, and the manager of the service.

People told us that the care they received from individual care workers was good. Comments included, 'They have been jolly good, friendly; they do the job.' They told us that care workers treated them respectfully and that they felt safe with them.

All the people and relatives we spoke with told us that the organisation and planning of care delivery was not good. Three staff also told us this. One person who used the service said, 'It's not co-ordinated.' People told us and records showed that delayed visits were a recurring concern for people. We found that the provider had taken some steps to identify and prevent abuse but had not identified delayed arrival of care workers as a risk of neglect.

We looked at 16 care records. A few records contained detailed information to support care delivery. However, most records had not been recently updated. This resulted in a risk of people receiving inappropriate or unsafe care. We did not see evidence that people had been involved in their care. We found that there were not always sufficient staff to meet people's needs.

The provider did not have effective quality assurance systems in place. Records were not always fit for purpose or stored appropriately. The provider had not notified us about a change of address.