• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Optimax Laser Eye Clinics - Croydon

103 High Street, (off Edridge Road), Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1QG (020) 8686 6141

Provided and run by:
Optimax Clinics Limited

All Inspections

5 December 2013

During a routine inspection

Optimax clinic in Croydon was providing four different treatment options for laser eye surgery to improve people's vision.

On the day of the inspection there were no people available to speak to. We called one person who had recently used the service and looked at the care records of four other people who had used the service in the last three months.

The person we spoke with had a positive experience of their treatment and felt that their needs for corrected vision had been met. We were told that the surgeon and the nurse at the clinic were "very helpful." We found that people were given good information prior to their treatment. We saw that the treatment options, possible risks and after-care were explained in detail prior to any procedure being carried out.

We found that the clinic was very clean and tidy. We looked at all the cleaning schedules which were up to date and covered all areas of the clinic.

The premises were well maintained and all policies and procedures were in place to ensure the safety of people who use the service.

We were told by one person that the staff were very professional and knowledgeable. We saw that all the appropriate checks had been carried out to ensure staff were suitably qualified, of good character and able to provide high standards of care.

We saw that people's records were kept safely in a locked room. Records were updated on the computer. A paper file was stored securely at the company's head office.

11 January 2013

During a routine inspection

People described staff as being knowledgeable, efficient and approachable. All five service users we spoke with told us that they were satisfied with the service and care they had received at the clinic. Comments from people who use the service included, 'they go through things to make sure your fully informed', got faith in them', 'this company is patient focused'.

We found that people were offered several opportunities to discuss their care with staff and contribute to making an informed decision about their planned surgery.

We found that arrangements were in place to ensure that all staff were properly supported to provide care and treatment to people who use the service. The process included a formal appraisal after staff completed their six month probation period, formal one to one supervision, refresher training and mandatory training.

The provider has an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service. They included, incidents reporting, annual audits and a complaints process.