• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: The Poplars Care Home

375 Thornaby Road, Thornaby, Stockton On Tees, Cleveland, TS17 8QN (01642) 675376

Provided and run by:
Mimosa Healthcare (No 4) Limited (In administration)

All Inspections

15 January 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We carried out this inspection because the last time we inspected The Poplars, we had some concerns about the standard of record keeping. At this inspection we found that the standard of record keeping had improved. Records were reviewed regularly and frequently and on the whole they reflected people's needs.

At this inspection we identified some concerns about the care and welfare of some people. We found that risk assessments had not been carried out, or care plans written in a timely manner for people who were newly admitted to the service. We found that this increased the risk of that person receiving care that was unsafe or did not meet their needs appropriately.

2 September 2013

During a routine inspection

People who lived at The Poplars received care and support that respected their personal preferences and ensured that they were supported with dignity and respect. Their cultural and religious needs were met and they were supported to enjoy activities.

People who used the service and their relatives were on the whole content with the care and support delivered by the service. One person expressed concern that they had to wait for assistance at times and felt that staff were occasionally rushed and therefore impatient.

The service ensured that people had the equipment they needed to live their daily lives and this equipment was checked regularly to ensure it was safe to use.

Staff recruited to work at The Poplars underwent a robust recruitment process which ensured they had the skills and qualifications needed to fulfil their role.

There were quality assurance processes in place which monitored the quality of care provided to people. People who used the service and their relatives were able to contribute the process.

The records used by the service were in need of improvement. Some care plans had not been completed and some had not been updated to reflect people's changing needs and dependencies.

5, 11 December 2012

During a routine inspection

When we carried out the inspection there were 34 people living at The Poplars. We spoke with four people who used the service and the relatives of four people. We also spoke with the manager and five staff. People who used the service expressed satisfaction with the care and service that they received. One person told us 'There are always staff around to help'. Another person told us 'I feel safe her and staff talk to me with respect.' One of the relatives we spoke with told us 'Staff are really good, they look after my mam well.'

People told us they were able to make their own day to day decisions and lifestyle choices. They confirmed they had menu choices, could choose to participate in activities or spend time in their rooms. We saw people could maintain contact with their friends and family.

We saw there was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere between people living and working at the home. We observed staff interacting well with people and supporting them which had a positive impact on their wellbeing. People's views were taken into account in the assessment and care planning process.

We found staff were aware of the different types of abuse and what to do if they witnessed or suspected that people were being abused.

We found processes for the administration and management of medicines were been followed.

The environment was clean and well decorated and systems were in place to ensure maintenance was carried out when required.

21 December 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The visit took place because we were following up issues raised at the last inspection in June 2011. Therefore when talking with people we concentrated on the specific areas raised during that inspection. We spoke with twelve people who used the service and three relatives. People were very complimentary about the staff and the manager. People said ''The staff are very kind'', ''I find the girls are always at hand and really helpful'' and ''The home is ran exceptionally well and we are looked after well''. People told us that in the recent months much of the home had been redecorated and that they had been involved in choosing the colour schemes. They were pleased with the outcome of this work.

We observed staff practices and found they were constantly at hand to support people and approached individuals in a gentle and caring manner. Staff appeared to have a good understanding of people's needs. Where people had difficulty communicating, staff readily identified what was being asked and intuitively worked with them to meet their needs.

11, 12 May 2011

During a routine inspection

People said they had been involved in making decisions about their care needs. One person said, "I have been involved in my assessment, this was carried out by one of the carers, who went through it and made sure I was happy with the content, which I definitely was and I signed it".

People said they were treated with dignity and respect and gave example of staff always knocking on their bedroom doors prior to entering. One person said, 'Staff always knock, when assisting with personal care, this is absolutely carried out with privacy and dignity'.

People spoken to believe their care needs were well met by a staff team who had the knowledge and experience needed. One person said, 'My understanding is that most staff are doing a National Vocation Qualification. From my experience here I would say most of the staff have an innate ability to care for people'. 'Your needs are well taken care of'.

Another person said, 'They are very good, if you need them you use your buzzer, you don't have to wait, they come almost straight away, they always make sure I have my call bell next to me'.

People spoke positively about the staff and the care and support provided. One person said, 'The staff are very good, they are respectful and courteous and not too formal'.