We were not able to speak with people who use the service due to the nature of their learning disability. We did speak to family members and they told us that their relatives are supported by the staff to receive the care they need.Relatives said that the home supports the people who use the service to make choices by using pictures and signs to enable them to indicate their preferences as much as they are able.
We were told by family members that they had been involved in the care planning process for their relatives and they said that they were now happy with the care being provided. One family member told us "there have been some problems in the past but things are much better now".
We spoke with the families of people who use the service and they told us that they knew what action they should take if they had any caused for concern and they said that they felt that the home would respond appropriately to any concerns that may be raised.
Staff said that they would always respect people's wishes and when asked what they would do if they felt there may be a conflict between a person's wishes and their care needs they told us that they would speak with the manager. Staff also told us that the reduction in staffing levels meant that people were not going out as often as they did before.
A member of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding team told us that they were concerned about the staffing levels and that this has impacted on the people they support.