Archived: Cherry Orchard Care Home

Windsor Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3HX (01264) 324831

Provided and run by:
Hampshire County Council

All Inspections

10 December 2010 and 10 January 2011

During a routine inspection

As part of our review we visited Cherry Orchard and spoke with six people who live there. We also observed the way staff were interacting with people who use the service.

All the people who use the service that we spoke with reported that staff treat them well, in a manner that respects them and maintains their privacy. People said they were able to express their views about the care they receive and how they want care to be provided. During the visit we observed staff responding to requests for assistance promptly and in a manner that maintained the privacy and dignity of those living in the home. People said they were happy with the care they receive and the way it is provided.

We observed staff interacting with people before providing care and seeking consent to provide the care. Staff were observed clearly explaining what they were going to do and ensuring that the person was happy with it.

We were told that people liked the food provided and that they have a choice of meals. One person told us that food is presented in a way that enables them to maintain their independence. We observed staff providing support for people to make choices about meals and recording their preferences. We also observed staff responding promptly to requests for drinks and snacks.

People told us they were able to see their doctor, district nurse or other services when they need to. One person told us they were working with their social worker to find a different place to live that would provide more independence. We were told people feel safe in the home and were confident that any concerns they raised would be investigated and dealt with.

People said all areas of the home were always kept clean and smelt fresh and they liked the range of communal areas available in the home. We were told the building was well maintained, warm and comfortable.

Those we spoke with told us that staff provide support for them to take their medication at the time that they need it. One person spoken with reported that staff responded promptly when they requested additional pain relief medicine.

People said they had access to the equipment that they need. Examples given included hoists, walking frames and pressure relief cushions. We observed that equipment people were using was clean and in good condition.

People told us that staff employed in the home are suitable for the role, know what they are doing and are able to meet their needs. People said there were enough staff working in the home at any one time, giving examples of staff responding quickly when they used their call bell.

People said they were confident that any complaints they made would be taken seriously and investigated. Everyone we spoke with was clear they could make an official complaint and knew who they would speak to if needed.