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  • Care home

Archived: Cygnet Springside Stockport

1 Brownsville Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK4 4PE (0161) 443 4060

Provided and run by:
Cygnet Health Care Limited

All Inspections

12 December 2013

During a routine inspection

When we visited Cygnet Springside Stockport there were two people living in the home. Another two people were using the home on a part-time basis for part of each week but they were not present during our visit. The people who were living in the home said that they did not wish to speak to us during our inspection.

We talked to four members of staff including the registered manager. We looked at the building and at the facilities available to the people who lived at Cygnet Springside Stockport. We checked records of care as well as those relating to staff. We talked to the people who commissioned the service who told us that they found the staff at Cygnet Springside Stockport very proactive. They spoke highly of their direct work with the people living in the home and said that they were kept fully informed of the progress of the person they had placed there.

One commissioner said 'They involve the service users. They are fully involved in care planning meetings'. Another said 'They always let me know if there has been an incident. They send me a weekly email about progress'. One commissioner told us that they were satisfied with the way a recent safeguarding concern had been managed.

We found that there was a good understanding of the need for consent to care and treatment and the particular way in which this applied to the service provided by Cygnet Springside Stockport. We found that care was planned and provided to meet people's individual needs. These included arrangements for eating and drinking. We checked to see how staff were recruited to work at Cygnet Springside Stockport and found that appropriate checks were in place. We saw that there was an effective complaints system for people to use.

When we last inspected Cygnet Springside Stockport they provided domiciliary and supported living services but they have since told us that they have ceased this service. This inspection therefore focussed only on the regulated activity of providing accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care. The provider has undertaken to amend their registration to remove the additional activities no longer provided.

29 August 2012

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because the people using the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences. We spoke to the relatives of three people,

who told us they were very happy with the service provided and the standard of support and care their relatives received. Some comments made were:

"I can't speak highly enough of the service".

"It is fantastic".

"---gets such a lot from the visits".

"They have widened his activities and interests".