23 August 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Domiciliary Care Services
As part of this review, we visited three people in their own homes and spoke with them about their experiences of the support they had received from this service. At the time of our visit to the service, we spoke with the manager, a team supervisor and three care workers. We spoke over the telephone with a further three people who used the service and also with a relative of one person.
People we spoke with were positive about the care and support they received. Comments included, 'It's an excellent service' and 'They couldn't do any more for me.'
The relative we spoke with was also positive about the care and support provided. They said, 'I have no complaints, not at all. They seem to go the extra mile sometimes, they're very good. They put my mind at rest.'
People told us they felt comfortable and safe with their care workers. People also told us they would feel comfortable speaking to the manager, or the office staff, about any issues which may arise.