Archived: Grove Care Partnership Limited - 46 The Grove

46 The Grove, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 4JF (020) 8568 5660

Provided and run by:
Grove Care Partnership Limited

All Inspections

28 March 2011

During a routine inspection

Staff treated people who use the service with respect during our visit and offered people choices about how they spent their time. Interaction between staff and people who use the service was positive and staff demonstrated that they knew the needs of the people they were supporting well.

People who use the service are encouraged to voice their opinions about how the home is run, how they prefer their care to be delivered and who they want to be involved in supporting them. People receive good support to keep healthy and have regular health checks.

People who use the service are supported to lead active and fulfilling lives, with opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities. People are also encouraged to be active in their local community and regularly take part in social events.

People receive co-ordinated care because staff work co-operatively with other professionals to provide appropriate support. People are protected from abuse because the service responds appropriately if a safeguarding issue arises.

People receive their medication safely because medication is stored properly and staff are trained how to manage and administer medication. If errors do occur, the service takes action to address the issues and prevent errors reoccurring.

People are supported by staff who are competent to carry out their role and whose suitability has been checked by the provider. People have access to appropriate levels of support as there are always enough staff on duty to meet their needs.

People are supported to give their views about the service they receive and to understand how to complain if they are unhappy about something. People's records are properly managed because: the service has clear procedures governing access to and storage of information.