• Care Home
  • Care home

Greenacres Grange

Greenacres Park, Wingfield Avenue, Worksop, S81 0TA (01909) 279045

Provided and run by:
Portland Care 5 Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Greenacres Grange is a ‘care home’ providing nursing and personal care for people living with dementia, people with a sensory impairment or physical disability, for older people and younger adults. The home is set out over 4 floors, at the time of our visit the top floor was not occupied. At the time of the assessment, the service was supporting 54 people with their personal care needs. This was our first assessment at Greenacres Grange. New services are assessed to check they are likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led when they register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We carried out our on-site assessment on 16 April 2024. This was an unannounced assessment, which means the provider was not told an assessment was going to be starting beforehand. We assessed a total of 9 quality statements from the safe, effective, caring, and well-led key questions and found areas of good practice and concern. We have not previously rated this service. This assessment did not cover all parts of our Single Assessment Framework; therefore, we have only updated scores and ratings for those areas which we have assessed. We will carry out future assessments to cover other parts of the Framework and will update our website with our findings. We have identified breaches in relation to safe care and treatment, governance and safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment. People were at risk of infection due to infection prevention and control processes Poor medicines management meant people’s health and wellbeing were at risk as people were not all receiving their medicines at the time they should have them which was particularly important for some people. Staff did not always report safeguarding concerns which placed people at risk of harm. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to our concerns.