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  • Care home

Wood Hill Grange

526 Grimesthorpe Road, Sheffield, S4 8LE (0114) 395 2100

Provided and run by:
Portland Care 1 Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Report from 6 February 2024 assessment

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Updated 15 April 2024

The management team were clear about their roles and responsibilities and had an understanding of quality assurance. However, we found some concerns in relation to medicines management that had not been identified as part of the providers quality monitoring. Following feedback, the registered manager gave us assurances this would be included in future audits and new systems embedded into practice. The culture at the service required some improvement so people received person-centred care. The new registered manager understood the challenges and was transparent and open in his approach. The registered manager actively sought peoples and their relative’s views by holding regular meetings and audits at the service. Most relatives felt the service was managed well and were kept fully informed. Staff felt supported and told us they worked well as a team.

This service scored 71 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 2

The management team encouraged people and relatives to express views and concerns. They listened and acted on them to help shape the service and culture. However, a few relatives felt concerns were not always resolved effectively.

The culture at the service required some improvement so people received person-centred care. The new registered manager understood the challenges and was transparent and open in his approach. The management were holding regular staff meetings and supervision sessions to identify concerns and to help shape the culture of the service and ensure staff had a good understanding of person-centred care.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The management team were aware of their roles and responsibilities and the lines of accountability. Staff were confident the new registered manager was improving the service, they were supportive and embody the culture and values of their workforce and organisation.

The management team have the skills, knowledge, experience and credibility to lead effectively. New quality monitoring and process were being embedded into practice.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

The management team encouraged staff to raise concerns and promoted the value of doing so. The registered manager told us they actively sought peoples and their relative’s views by holding regular meetings and audits at the service. Relatives told us meetings take place if they wish to attend. One relative said, “I can go to the managers door any time, they are approachable.”

The provider's complaints process was displayed in the service. People and relatives felt confident they could raise concerns and they would be listened to. The management team were described as very approachable.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

All staff we spoke with told us they were treated fairly, they were listened to and it was an inclusive working environment.

The registered manager had evidence of flexible working arrangements to ensure staffs well-being. There was a low turnover of staff, and no agency was being used. Staff told us that morale was very good and the service was well led with the new registered manager.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

The management team had a strong commitment to improving the service. The registered manager had introduced new improved systems to monitor the service, drive improvements and embed good practice. Staff felt confident in the management team. One staff member said, “We are well managed.”

Some areas of governance were very good, we saw analysis, lessons learnt and review to ensure good practice. However, we found many concerns with medicines management, which had not been picked up as part of the quality monitoring.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

Most of the relatives spoken with felt the service was well managed. Relatives we spoke with told us they had seen changes for the better since the new registered manager had started.

Staff told us they work in partnership; referrals were made when required and guidance sought to meet people’s needs.

Partners told us the registered manager was transparent and open, worked with them and they could see improvements in the service. They were following up with safeguarding and the registered manager had followed processes and completed lessons learnt.

We saw processes in place to work with partners collaboratively. To ensure good practice was shared and lessons learnt.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The management team understood their duty of candour, to be open and honest when things went wrong. They were committed to improving the service.

The management team told us they had responded to the concerns raised by the local authority, staff and relatives. They were committed to learning and improvement of the service. The management had identified area for improvement and action plans were in place. However, we identified some areas that had not been identified that required improvement. For example, medicines management.