6 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We found that people who used the service of Q Care in Gloucester were treated with dignity and respect. We saw that their views were taken into account when decisions were made about how personal care was delivered.
We spoke with three people who used the services of Q Care. One person told us that 'the staff are very respectful, I get on with them very well' and 'I see them once a week for four hours and they always have time to stop and talk with me.' Another person told us 'the staff absolutely treat me with respect when they get me dressed and help me into the shower'. Another person told us 'whenever there is a change of carer we are always informed and asked about how it might affect me' and 'my carer is always willing to do something extra for me if they can fit it in, I am very pleased with them'.
We found that care was delivered in accordance with the service delivery plan and was reviewed regularly. We saw risk assessments which ensured that care was provided safely.
We saw that medication was safely administered.
We saw that there were effective staff recruitment procedures in place.
We found that there had been a time when staff had been asked to work long hours but we saw that additional staff had been recruited to ensure that there were sufficient skilled and experienced staff to provide care for the people who used the service.
We saw that there was an effective system in place to monitor the quality of the care provided.