We did this review to check what improvements Q Care had made following our previous review of the service in August 2011. We spoke with eight people who use the service and family members of two other people. One person sent us information on our website. We also spoke with four staff on the telephone and with the registered manager, a care co-ordinator and locality manager at the office. People who used the service and their families were pleased with the care they receive from the care workers who visit them. One person told us they have a fairly small group of regular carers and that they were all 'very kind and helpful'. We asked if the care workers were polite and made the person feel safe; they told us, 'Oh yes, I can only speak for the ones that come to me but I am very happy with mine'. Another person told us they had been able to develop a 'rapport' with their small team of care workers. One person was concerned about their relative having too many carers and that there had been an occasion when a care worker did not arrive.
One person who uses the service and two of the staff we spoke with mentioned some shortcomings in communication with the office both during and outside office hours. This did not appear to be such a widespread concern as in August indicating some improvement in communication.
The care workers we spoke to were all enthusiastic about their work and considered that they provided people with good care. Some told us that care records were not always up to date or correct and one said that they visited some people where they had not seen any care records. When we checked care records kept at the Q Care office we found that progress in updating these had been limited. One relative told us they had needed to provide guidance to new carers who had not visited their relative before.
The arrangements for managing people's medication did not provide effective safeguards for checking problems. The agency's checks of medication records did not identify any concerns but we found matters which should have been followed up to make sure people were receiving their medication correctly. At our previous inspection we were concerned that medication training provided to staff was not adequate. During this visit we were told that staff had subsequently received medication training from an external company.
Improvements had been made in relation to adult safeguarding and the registered manager had attended a safeguarding course aimed at managers run by the local authority. The service had begun to recognise and report concerns about people's welfare to be looked into under the multi-agency safeguarding process.
At our previous inspection we were concerned about the quality and effectiveness of staff training. The registered manager told us that training is now being provided by training managers from the organisation's head office or external training providers. Some staff we spoke to had some concerns about the thoroughness of training they had done. The provider assured us that staff training arrangements were being improved.
The organisation's arrangements for monitoring the quality of the service had not been effective. We could not be confident that the registered manager and the provider had been monitoring the improvements that were needed or providing effective leadership to bring these changes about.
Following our inspection we arranged a meeting with the nominated individual for Q Care. They acknowledged that additional management time was needed to support the registered manager in making the necessary improvements at Q Care. They assured us that this support would be provided and that they would be taking an active role in this. They and the registered manager assured us that they were committed to improving the service they provide and making sure that this is supported by effective management. We took these assurances into account in deciding that we would not take enforcement action. We have made compliance actions and emphasised to the provider that it is essential that they provide us with a robust action plan.