• Care Home
  • Care home

Mill House

Overall: Inadequate read more about inspection ratings

51 Mount Pleasant, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 7LS (01902) 493436

Provided and run by:
Mr Ragavendrawo Ramdoo & Mrs Bernadette Ramdoo

Important: We are carrying out a review of quality at Mill House. We will publish a report when our review is complete. Find out more about our inspection reports.

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 7 March 2024

Date of assessment 7 March 2024 to 14 March 2024. This assessment was carried out to follow up on action we told the provider to take at the last inspection. The service remains rated as inadequate. Mill House is a residential care home providing personal care to up to 24 people in 1 adapted building. The service provides support to older people some of whom are living with dementia. At the time of our inspection there were 19 people using the service. People remained at risk of harm. Since our last inspection, the provider had commissioned the services of a consultant. The systems that had been introduced since our last inspection were not effective in identifying areas for improvement and we found the same concerns as those identified at our last inspection. Risks to people were not always identified or actioned. There were not enough staff to keep people safe. There were still concerns with the environment. Safeguarding procedures were not always followed which placed people at risk of potential abuse. Staff still did not always have the training required to support people. When needed people did not always have their mental capacity considered or decisions made in their best interests. It was unclear when Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were in place. People’s needs were assessed, however these were not always accurate and up to date and therefore not person-centred or individual to people. However, the home was clean, people were happy with the care they received and staff knew them well. When people had health needs they had access to health professionals. We found 5 breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safeguarding, safe care and treatment, need for consent, staffing and governance. In instances where CQC have decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations and/or appeals have been concluded.

People's experience of the service

Updated 7 March 2024

We received mixed views from people and relatives about their experiences within the home. People were happy with the staff and felt they knew them well. However, they felt there were sometimes not enough staff available to support them in a timely manner. Some people felt improvements could be made to their risk management, however people felt safe living in the home and raised no concerns about the environment. They felt the home was clean. People were happy with how their medicines were managed and administered to them. People were happy with the access they had to health professionals and felt staff gained consent from them before providing care and support. However, people told us they were not always offered choices around their care in line with their preferred preferences.