• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Red Thorn House

Church Lane, Terrington St John, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 7SD (01945) 880877

Provided and run by:
Hereward Care Services Ltd

All Inspections

24 June 2013

During a routine inspection

Because people were unable to verbally tell us their views, we used a range of methods, including examination of their records and observation of their activities, to find out how they were being looked after.

People's rights to give consent to their support and care were respected. Where a person was not able to give this consent, there were legal systems in place to ensure that the person received support, care and medical treatment that they needed.

We found that people were supported to maintain their health and welfare. They were supported to access a range of health care services. They were also supported to maintain their level of independence and to access a range of social activities.

People who used the service were actively involved in developing the menus. They were also provided with a range of food options to choose from. People's nutritional and hydration needs were maintained and protected.

Systems were in place to ensure that people were protected from the unsafe usage of medication. This included the storage, administration and recording of people's prescribed medication that was managed by the home.

Staff received the support and training required to ensure that they were safe to do their job, which they said they found rewarding.

There was a range of quality assurance systems in place which ensured that people were listened to and that they received safe and appropriate support and care.

3 September 2012

During a routine inspection

Although people who we spoke with and saw were unable to tell us in a verbal way how staff treated them, we noted that they were given information about their support and care in a way that they could understand. Staff were attentive, kind and caring.

People who used the service demonstrated signs of wellbeing when they were supported with social activities by attentive staff. These activities included help with household tasks, eating the choice of food for their lunch and taking time out in the sensory room. Staff had access to detailed care records to provide people with safe and appropriate care. Remedial action was in progress to ensure that these records were reviewed and accurate.

People who we spoke with indicated that they liked their room. We also found that people were able to safely access parts of the home with support from staff. The premises were safe, 'homely' and well maintained.

There were recruitment and staff monitoring systems in place to ensure that vulnerable people who used the service were safe from unsuitable staff. Staff were supported, trained and knowledgeable to provide safe and appropriate care to meet people's individual social and health care needs.

There was a complaints procedure in place. The service had received no complaints since 2010. There was work in progress to gain people's views, including identifying any concerns or complaints that they may have.

19, 20 May 2011

During a routine inspection

We were unable to speak directly with people about their care due to their limited communication skills, however, one person did talk to us about outings with staff. They told us about activities they enjoy and named staff and other people who give support.

During our visit we observed staff providing care and support and saw how staff included people in our inspection process. We also saw how people interacted with staff and, from the body language, concluded that they were relaxed and comfortable with staff. Our observations were that people were clean, shaven, appropriately dressed and fully supported at all times.