• Hospice service

St John's Hospice

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Slyne Road, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 6ST (01524) 382538

Provided and run by:
St. John's Hospice North Lancashire and South Lakes

All Inspections

20 December 2023

During a routine inspection

Our rating of this service went down. We rated it as good because:

  • The service had enough staff to care for patients and kept them safe. Staff had training in key skills, understood how to protect patients from abuse, and managed safety well. Infection control was well managed. Staff assessed risks to patients, acted on them and kept good care records. Medicines were safely managed by staff and lessons were learnt from any incidents that occurred.
  • Staff planned and provided good care and treatment, patients received enough to eat and drink, and pain relief when needed. Managers monitored the effectiveness of the service and made sure staff were competent. Staff worked well together for the benefit of patients, supported them to make decisions about their care, and had access to good care and treatment plans. Key services were available seven days a week for people to access.
  • Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, took account of their individual needs, and helped them understand their conditions. They provided emotional support to patients, families, and carers.
  • The provider made it easy for people to give feedback and people could access the service when they needed it.
  • Managers ran services well using reliable information systems and supported staff to develop their skills. Staff understood the service’s vision and values, and how to apply them in their work. Staff were focused on the needs of patients receiving care. Staff were clear about their roles and accountabilities. The provider engaged well with patients and the community to plan and manage services and all staff were committed to improving services.


  • We found personal protective equipment that expired and had not been removed.

26 July 2016

During a routine inspection

The inspection visit at St John’s hospice was undertaken on 26 July 2016 and was announced. We gave 24 hours’ notice of the inspection because of the sensitive nature of the service provided. We wanted to ensure people who used the service, staff and visitors were available to talk with us.

St John’s hospice provides palliative and end of life care for adults with life limiting illnesses. The staff team support people and their families, providing medical, nursing, personal, emotional and spiritual care. They also offer a hospice at home service in the local community to assist individuals living at home and a variety of day and support services. At the time of our inspection, there were four people inpatient at St John’s hospice.

St John’s hospice is situated in a residential area close to local amenities. The service supports people in the main hospice inpatient unit and a day therapy unit. They also support people in their own homes.

A registered manager was in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is led and managed.

At the last inspection on 13 February 2014 we found the provider was meeting all the requirements of the regulations inspected.

We spoke with people who used the service, relatives, staff and other professionals during this inspection. They told us the service provided an exemplary level of care and the leadership was exceptional. They spoke extremely highly of staff. One person told us, “From being in despair I am now able to focus on what matters. All with the help from the staff.” A relative said, “The support from the hospice staff exceeded anything we had hoped for. It was fantastic.”

Care planning was extremely flexible, person centred and proactive. People and their families told us staff championed people’s right to choose how, where and when they wanted their care provided. They said staff were especially proactive and ‘made things happen’ in order to provide exceptional care for people. We saw staff had to support people to attend special family events with staff support and helped patients with arrangements to marry in the hospice.

People said staff were extremely caring and respectful, listened to them and assisted them promptly. They told us staff always ‘went that extra mile and beyond’. We saw end of life care plans were informative and personalised and staff were remarkable in their determination to help people to carry out their final wishes. This included providing advice, support and staff at a person’s home so they could remain in the comfort of their home with loved ones.

Families told us staff were extremely competent and compassionate in the way they assisted people to have control of illness symptoms and pain. They commended staff for the practical, emotional and spiritual support provided and outstanding care that enabled their relative to have a dignified, peaceful and pain free death. Written comments from families included, ‘Thank you for making the end of [family member’s] life so calm and dignified and filled with love’. And ‘You worked miracles and [person] died serenely and comfortably. Thank you.’

The management team and trustees worked collaboratively with other agencies to develop best practice, excellent partnership work and support for people. They carried out innovative research with local and national organisations and influenced best practice and policy-making. This further improved care practices and helped develop innovative support in the hospice and the community

The management team set up numerous forums and support groups to seek people’s views, provide support and information and ensure people received person centred flexible care that fully met their needs. One comment we saw stated, ‘Nothing needs changing the care is superb.’ Another person had written, ‘Your wonderful, warm personalities create such a lovely friendly atmosphere. You are amazing and do a fantastic job.’

The management team used multiple ways of monitoring and auditing care and seeking the views of people who used the service, their families, other professionals and staff. This assisted staff to provide care that was personalised and exceptionally flexible. Other professionals were extremely complimentary about St John’s hospice, the staff attitudes and their competence.

Staff demonstrated a highly sensitive and compassionate understanding of protecting and respecting people’s human rights. We found staff were passionate about providing a non-discriminatory and tremendously supportive service.

People who used the service, their families and staff were supported throughout their ‘journey’. They were provided with complementary therapies such as reflexology and massage to assist with relaxation and reduce anxiety and distress. The care by hospice staff did not end when a person died; The hospice team continued to support families after their family member’s death. They were offered bereavement counselling and support groups for emotional well-being.

Recruitment and selection was carried out safely with appropriate checks made before new staff were appointed. There were enough staff to provide safe, personalised and timely care.

The provider had an extremely positive and constructive response to complaints and carried out their duty of candour with an open and transparent approach. People told us they knew how to raise a concern or complaint and staff encouraged them to express any ideas or concerns.

The registered manager had systems to monitor and manage accidents and incidents to maintain everyone’s safety. One person confirmed, “I feel safe and supported here and not worried.”

People were complimentary about the meals and told us they were offered a choice. Staff ensured people’s dietary and fluid intake was sufficient and they received appropriate nutrition. Drinks and

snacks were available at all times. The management team had begun to develop a nutritional Support Worker role to focus on meeting people’s preferences and nutritional needs on the ward.

Staff were confident in their knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and associated Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and demonstrated good awareness of related principles. Care records held documented evidence of the person’s agreement to care.

Staff received relevant and timely training. They also provided education and training to care homes, other professionals, universities and colleges in end of life care. This enabled them to spread best practice in end of life care.

13 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with a range of people about the hospice. They included the registered manager, staff members, volunteers, patients, relatives and visitors. We also asked for the views of external agencies in order to gain a balanced overview of what people experienced using St John's Hospice.

We spoke with patients and relatives. They told us they could express their views and were involved in making decisions about their care. They told us they felt listened to when discussing their care needs. Staff confirmed to us they also involved relatives, where possible to ensure people received the right care and support.

We spent time in all areas of the hospice, including the day centre and in-patient unit. This helped us to observe the daily routines and gain an insight into how people's care and support was being managed. Staff treated people with respect and ensured their privacy when supporting them. They provided support or attention as people requested it. We spoke with people about the care and support they received. They said they were happy with the care and support being provided.

We looked at how the service was being staffed and reviewed staff training and supervision. We saw there were sufficient staff on each shift with a range of skills and experience. Staff told us they felt supported, had regular meetings with their manager, and their training was kept up to date.

We found there were good systems and processes in place to monitor the quality of the service being provided. Staff told us they felt this was underpinned by an open reporting culture and strong leadership.

20 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We observed the care and support people received. Staff were supportive and considerate when caring for people. People told us, 'The staff are excellent, they involve you in everything.'

Staff supported people sensitively protecting their privacy and dignity. People told us that they had been involved in deciding on their care with staff at the hospice. The care records seen were person centred and informative. They showed how the person wanted their care delivered.

One person said, 'The staff really care. It is so different from hospital care.' Another person told us, 'The staff are fantastic, they couldn't be better or do any more for you." A relative commented, 'The staff are marvellous. The care is second to none.'

People told us they were happy and had no complaints or concerns. They said they knew how to make a complaint and felt confident in reporting any issues.

St John's hospice was spacious, comfortable and safe. It was clean and suitable for purpose. There were large pleasant gardens surrounding the hospice.

Recruitment and selection was safe and staff received appropriate support and training to assist them in developing their skills.

2 April 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

It should be noted that we only assessed the improvements made in relation to Outcome 4

in this report. We did this by discussing with the ward manager the changes that had been made with staff at the hospice to more accurately document the actual care given to the patients. This took place on the 3rd April 2012.

30 November 2011

During a routine inspection

During our visit to this service we spoke with patients, relatives and staff. We received largely positive feedback from everyone. We were told that a good quality of service was provided with excellent standards being maintained. Comments from patients and relatives included:

'They are lovely people (the staff) I could not have got through this without them.'

'I am fully informed and involved in my care. If I don't want something that's fine.'

'The difference between other hospitals and here is phenomenal.'

'Staffing levels are excellent I never have to wait for anything, even at night.'

'The food is excellent, if I don't like the choice that day I can have whatever I fancy.'

'I don't always feel my care is as individual as I would like. I want to feel special, and have my needs anticipated more, rather than have to ask what is going on.'

'I never have to wait if I press my buzzer.'

'I know what is happening to me and staff let me know of any changes.'

'The gardens are lovely to look at.'