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  • Care home

Archived: Winscombe Nursing Home

Furze Hill, Kingswood, Surrey, KT20 6EP (01737) 888678

Provided and run by:
Bupa Care Homes (BNH) Limited

All Inspections

23 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited Winscombe Nursing Home to look at the care and welfare of people who used the service. We spoke to nine people who used the service and four members of staff, including the deputy manager. We also spoke to a relative. We observed the interactions between staff and the people who used the service. We did this for the people who we were unable to verbally communicate with, or who said they did not want to talk to us when we asked.

All the people we spoke with said they were happy living there. They told us that staff were very friendly and caring. People looked relaxed and happy.

People told us that staff sought their consent and they could say no to care and support if they wanted to.

People who used the service and relatives had been involved in the planning of care. We saw that risks had been identified to protect the welfare and safety of people.

We looked around the house and saw that it was clean and tidy. People who used the service told us they were happy with the standards of cleanliness.

Staff told us that they felt supported to do their job. We saw that staff received regular training and supervision to ensure they met the needs of people who lived there.

All the people we spoke with said they knew how to raise a complaint. They said that they had never felt the need to complain, but if they did they thought the manager would listen to what they said and take action.

20 November 2012

During a routine inspection

We made an unannounced visit to Winscombe Nursing Home and looked at the care and welfare of people who used the service. We also looked to see if action had been taken to correct the issues we found when we last visited.

During our visit we spoke with six people who used the service and seven members of staff (including the registered manager). We also spoke to two visitors. We spent time observing how staff interacted and supported people, some of whom where in their bedroom due to their condition. We saw staff treating people with respect and involving them in activities throughout the time we spent at the service. People appeared relaxed and happy, talking with each other and staff, or involved in activities.

Two people told us that 'The staff here are kind and caring.' Another person told us that staff 'Do anything we ask.' They went on to add that 'Sometimes we have to wait for them; we could do with more staff between 8 and 10:30 pm as it gets very busy with people pressing buzzers for attention.' All the people we spoke to said they were happy living at the home. They told us the food was nice, that they had a choice of what to eat, and they had enough to eat and drink. They told us the quality of care was good, but sometimes they had to wait to be supported by staff.

We looked around the location and saw bedrooms, communal areas, bathrooms and toilets were clean and free from unpleasant odours.

7 November 2011

During a routine inspection

As part of this inspection we were accompanied by an expert by experience. An expert by experience has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses a health or mental health and/or social care service. Using an expert by experience is a way of helping us find out about the experiences of people who use services.

The expert observed and spoke with people using the service to gain their views about how they are respected, involved and how they are cared for. Feedback from the Expert has been included in this report.

People using the service told us that they enjoyed their meals. They rated the food and choices as 'Good' and 'extremely good'.

The premises are on all one level and people commented positively about this. They said the circular design brought more light into the building light and they liked the design because it made it easier to get around.Emphasis was placed on safety with the provision of hand rails, non-slip flooring and lever taps.

The expert by experience noted that space was an issue for people. The size of people's bedrooms were small with none having ensuite facilities. A person using the service said, 'The room is small, there is too much equipment in the room, all necessary, but you can see that if I were to get out of the chair on my own I might trip over something. It's too cluttered.'

Another person said,' Closers on doors don't work. The spring is noisy and the door is heavy and closes too quickly and could knock me over, they're worn out. I've asked for them to be mended but I've been told it is too expensive. Who cares about expense, it should be fixed.'

At the time of this visit we were told that there were nineteen people living in the service. They were being supported by the registered manager, one registered nurse and four carers. In addition there was an activities organiser. Some people felt there were enough staff to meet needs, others felt there was a staff shortage reflected in the sometimes very long wait for assistance. A person said, 'It can take forty-five minutes before somebody comes in answer to the call bell.' 'You see a member of staff passing the door but if you want something they are in a hurry and don't hear the request, or they hear the request and say 'wait a minute