12 September 2013
During a routine inspection
People also told us staff supported them in a respectful and dignified manner. They felt that staff worked hard to ensure they were cared for in line with their wishes.
We saw that people were given good information before and during the care provided. This was important to make sure people were fully aware of their rights and knew what to expect from the service.
We looked at people's care records. We found that records were consistent, accurate and up to date. We did ask the manager however to ensure that the care plan agreements were signed to show that people had given their expressed consent.
We spoke with staff who explained that they had the right training and were well supported by the agency. They also said they were consistently supported by the management team to do their job.
We reviewed the recruitment and selection processes and found them to be robust. This ensured that people were supported by suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff.
We also found that there were good systems in place to continually monitor the quality of the care, treatment and support people received.